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Back to ECAM System Display Overview


Number Name Variation Meaning
1 Spoilers and Speedbrakes Position Green triangle The spoiler is deflected by more than 2.5°.
Amber triangle The spoiler has a fault and is deflected.
Green line The spoiler is retracted.
Amber 1 The spoiler has a fault and is retracted.
Amber X The spoiler position is not valid.
2 Doors (2x Nose/Left/Right) Green Horizontal Line Door is locked up.
Amber Diagonal Line Door is in transit.
Amber Vertical Line Door is fully open.
3 Gears (Nose/Left/Right) Green triangle Landing gear down and locked.
Red triangle Landing gear in transit.
No triangle Landing gear up and locked.
Amber crosses Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU) 1 or 2 failed.
4 Legends UP LOCK (amber, above doors) Appears when landing gear uplock is engaged when the landing gear is down locked.
L/G CTL (amber) Appears when landing gear lever and actual position do not agree.
N/W STEERING (amber) Appears when nosewheel steering is lost or OFF. Green Y when yellow hydraulic system is available, otherwise amber Y.
ANTI SKID Appears amber when antiskid is lost of OFF. Appears in green if antiskid is available while autobrake, normal braking or alternate braking failure.
NORM BRK Appears green when autobrake or alt. braking fails, but normal still available. Amber when normal braking is failed. Green or amber G for green hyd. status.
ALTN BRK Appears green in alternate braking mode . Amber when alternate braking is failed.
→ ACCU PR Appears green with ALTN BRK when Y hydraulic is available. Amber with no arrow when pressure from Y or accu is low.
← ACCU ONLY Appears green when alternate braking is pressurized by accu.
AUTO BRK Appears green when autobrake is armed. Flashes after autobrake disengagement. Appears amber to indicate failure.
LO/MED/MAX Selected autobrake rate.
5 Brakes (Left/Right) White number Wheel number.
Green arc Appears on hottest wheel when one brake >100°.
Amber arc Appears when brake >300°.

Last update: June 4, 2022